19 July 2007

A German Menü

While the English are known for bad food, the French for rich and creamy food, Italians for everything tomato and pasta, Germany is known for a drink: beer. Actually this country has more bread varieties than any other country, has a burgeoning wine industry and cheese to match. So here's a look at some of the daily specials in Germany:
Käsespätzle A Swabian specialty, this delicious dish consists of noodle-shaped dumplings covered in cheese and baked to perfection. Can also be served Rahmgeschnetzeltes (a light meat sauce) or plain with butter.
Döner Kebap While thought to be of Turkish origin, this dish is consumed mostly by Germans. Shaved beef is served stuffed in a pita, covered with cheese, tomatoes, cabbage/lettuce, and a creamy sauce to create a cheap, on-the-go snack.
Zwiebelkuchen Similar to a quiche, this "onion cake" can also be served with cinnamon or pieces of ham on top to create a sweet dinner entree.
Apfelsaftschorle Basically sparkling apple juice.
Eisbecher Ranging from a small plastic cup of one scoop to an elaborate, kiwi-themed confection, a "cup of ice" creates lines of people outside of the diele, waiting to cool down on a hot summer day.
Nutella What would bread be without a layer of hazelnut-tinted chocolate spread? Simply delicious, Nutella makes even two-day old bread taste wonderful.
Joghurt Varieties of this less sweet and milder form of yogurt include gooseberry-kiwi, rhubarb-cheesecake and stracciatella.
Mohnschnecke A swirly pastry aptly named "poppy snail", covered in honey, poppy seeds, and a clear glaze.
Currywurst Pieces of sausage smothered with ketchup and curry normally served with brötchen, similar to our dinner rolls.

Guten Appetit!


  1. Michael,

    OK, now I'm hungry!! Sounds like life is good in Germany. Just want you to know I check everyday for updates and enjoy reading of your travels.


    P.S. Wie ist das Bier?

  2. Michael
    I'll take an order of Nutella. What would life be without chocolate!Happy eating.

  3. Michael:

    Have you plumped up any - I know I would have. So what was your favorite I am going to say the 1st thing that made me think of Mac & Cheese and the Nutella.


  4. Do you wanne eat all this while you are visiting me :) ?

  5. Jackie and John told me about the Doner Kebap when we saw them in Rome- they LOVED it. So much, in fact, that they tried to make their own version at home.
    Long live European cuisine.
