03 August 2007

Pesky keyboards

As promised, Saint Brieuc has given this author days of rest and serenity. While I realize it has been a while since my last post, I can honestly say that there hasn't been much to write about. Saint Brieuc is a coastal town on the English Channel and the last four afternoons I have spent on its wonderful beaches, reading and testing the waters. Rural France is everything one imagines, uninterrupted straight lines of poplar trees and all. 
Today François and I went to the famous Middle Age abbey, Mont Saint Michel. It is a religious fortress of sorts on top of a seaside hill with a stunning view of both water and fields. The food here has been amazing; such morsels as honey-lemon crèpes to hearty dishes like grilled tuna. Certainly the French reputation of bon appetit is being upheld.
As for the computer keyboards, I must register some complaints. While the German keyboard's only major switch is between "y" and "z" (causing everybody to everzbodz), the Swiss and French have presented more difficulties. This in large part due to the difference in usage of certain letters. For example, "q" has changed places with "a", and "z" with "w", and "m" with the question mark and comma key. Not to mention one must hit "shift" in order to use the number keys for numbers instead of punctuation marks.
But that is a small price to pay for two months of European travel I suppose!


  1. Hi Micheal,
    Just caught up on your travels, you are a delightful storyteller.....thanks for sharing...what a gem you are!!!

  2. Michael!
    Sounds like you are having a fabulous time, miss you lots. Great stories, hope to hear from you soon!
    <3 Kristina

  3. Mick
    Did you hear any news over there about 35W Bridge collapse? Just curious. I heard it was a nation wide story. I am sure your mom filled you in. Very traggic. Another reason for public transportion. I guess even if it means running to catch your train. Waiting for your return. XX OO

  4. European keyboards ARE a nightmare. I can vouch for Italian ones... 4 separate keys for accented letters, and Heaven knows I cannot remember what else. But well worth it. =)
    The English Channel... sigh. I'm glad you got a taste of "summer" weather after some time in Germany! It's a must, especially during the summer season. "Thank God for Sicily", was my daily thought on our trip. Keep it up darling, keep it up!
    <3 Vanessa
